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The 2023 Music Videos Page


Here are my recommended MVs for 2023.

Check out songs with my star for the best choices!
Video Link:
Koda Kumi
This came out last year as just the audio, but the MV is only new.
Takeo Ischi
I had no idea what this video would be like, but on the whole: quite surprising! We seem to have a Japanese chap from Germany, singing in Switzerland, being watched by an Aussie who speaks English. (Myself being the Aussie person, obviously.) So if you’re after a bit of yodelling set into dance music, this is an interesting pick.
Fruits Zipper
(Happy Chocolate)
This is pretty perky and fast. After a few listens I liked it more. This was composed by Sho Yamamoto, and I’m mentioning that, because I’ve heard a lot of other songs that sound similar, so I want to see if they’re by the same dude.
Dejan Vunjak
Nikol’ Še Nismo Šli
This is pretty perky, and even comes with a warning at the end that drinking too much is bad for your health, since there’s a lot of booze in the video.
Okuru Kotoba - 20th Anniversary Version
This one goes for 5 minutes & 42 seconds, but the start has the group yacking with some old guy, who was probably something to do with their early days, and again at the end. The song itself is about 3 minutes & a bit, I think. I never saw this song back in 2003, but then that was before I considered looking up foreign music. Anyway, I like this new version, regardless.
Green Peas
This song’s okay, but I think the video is rather amusing. This space ship flies on down, and this alien chick gets out, and she tries to fit in with the other Japanese people at a grocery store. Anyway, I won’t spoil the ending, as it has a bit of a twist. But it’s a fun one to watch.
Yakusoku No Hi
This is okay. What makes it stand out is that it’s instrumental violin playing, with some other background instruments too. So it’s quite different from the usual stuff you see.
Minori Suzuki
This came out in January, and I saw it @ the end of February. It’s a pretty good one to check out if you want something pleasant.
Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra
Oikoshiteku Hoshi / Overtaking Stars
The TSPO head to the race course to make a track record in this great MV. Like their other songs, they have matching clothes, and Kin-Ichi Motegi on the drums even looks like he’s riding a horse at the start.
Heja, Hej!
Ľubomír Šebej on the dulcimer thing, really goes off. (It’s a Zahradnik cimbalom.) I dunno how he hits all the right notes.
In Slovak, the j letters are pronounced more like how we’d pronounce the letter y in English.
Isshi Matowanu Ai Wo Miseteyo
This is a funny one. The group seem to fancy eating the pig at 1st, but things seem to turn around by the end. I won’t give it away though.
The song name seems to translate to something like: Show Me An Eye That Doesn’t Work.
Heroine Waheikinika
I don’t usually look at HoneyWorks’ videos, even if they are quite frequent, but this one’s a fun sounding, fast paced one, and there’s enough variation in the drawings and animated bits to make it good in that area too.
Nad Tatrami
This initially reminded me just mildly of a song from Benny Hill. Although I don’t know what it was called. This has really grown to be a favourite.
Hey! Say! Jump
This is actually a bit distorted sounding, on reflection.
Most of this is good, and I like the outfits and bits of dancing, but the end is a bit abrupt for my tastes.
Mrs. Green Apple
This is a good one, but not quite my favourite, as far as songs from Mrs. Green Apple are concerned. It’s not bad though.
Starting Over
This has a positive vibe about it, but I feel about the same as M.G.A.’s song above. It’s good, but I’m not overly in love with it.
Hacken Lee
The Hungry Caterpillar
If you like Lego, this is worth a look for that alone. The amount of it here is incredible. I would’ve been in awe with my gob open if I saw this as a kid. It’s awesome at my age now too.
This song is rather good. The fact that the girlies are all in their bikinis has no influence on me what-so-ever. That’s just a nice bonus. I’ve seen other videos with chicks in their swimming attire and rejected them, so don’t think I’m shallow.
ASMI + Chinozo
Dokimeki Diary
The video is done with a lot of drawings, but there’s enough going on here to make it worth watching. The actual song is pretty perky and fun sounding too, so that’s the main reason you’ll want to check it out.
Dokimeki (ドキメキ) seems to mean excitement, or maybe exciting. (If you can’t read the bit in brackets, you’ll need a font with Japanese characters installed on your computer. )
Nam Em
Yêu Ðược Mấy Năm
(Something like: Loved For A Few Years)
Shuka Saitō
If You Love Me / Aishite Shimaeba
This is pretty cheery. Some of the lyrics seem a bit repetitive though.
Ansambel Roka Žlindre
Ooop Daj Še En Pir
This has a mild, traditional kind of feel about it. The barmaid woman looks good.
Summer Song
This was a surprise to see, because it’s a song I found in 2010, which is actually from 2008, but the video was released on the 24th of July this year. So maybe they cleaned it up or it was never released before. I never saw it previously, so I have no idea.
There’s a long winded intro, so you might want to skip about 40 seconds from the beginning.
What’s (also) interesting is the portable DAT players. I had no idea that such a thing even existed. I thought these were only for studio use. Perhaps Sony tried it in Japan or something. I’ve never even seen these cassettes since the mid 1990s back in high school.
Wir Feiern Den Norden
(We Celebrate The North)
This is really good. The video’s fatter than the lead singer chap though. But as for the song, it feels like something Nathan Evans would sing, except this is German. This group gave me my 1st look at a nyckelharpa as well. I didn’t even know what I was looking at, until I looked it up.
This took many watches to really grow on me, so I guess I did like it.
Sekai No Owari
(End Of The World)
Apart from the squeaky bit at the end, the rest of this is really brilliant.
Die Vielsaitigen
(The Many Stringed)
Formel Eins
(Formula 1)
If you fancy something instrumental and a bit classical sounding, check these women out with their dulcimers, guitar and… uh double bass looking thing. A big string instrument anyway. I saw this back in March, but only decided to add it here now. Ooh! And this is done at 50 Hz too, so alleluia! You can enjoy how wonderfully smooth it is. That sure makes a pleasant change from a lot of MVs.
Max Raabe
La Mer
(The Sea)
This is an oldie, and it’s in French. If you’ve seen Finding Nemo, you should know it as well! I think Robbie Williams sang it in English.
Amazing Grace
Yep — this is the song you think it is. A brilliant instrumental rendition too. The video’s way too wide though. It’s like a 8:3 aspect! It’s like trying to see something under a door. As if they need to get any worse than 16:9. Anyway, do check it out all the same.
Chō Tokimeki Sendenbu
Kawaii Memorial (Minato Shoji Coin Laundry Version)

(かわいいメモリアル [みなと商事コインランドリー バージョン])
This is pretty good. I’m not totally crazy for it though, but it’s worth the odd look now & then. (Kawaii means cute, but I think a lot of people already know that.)
Fruits Zipper
Chō Medetai Songu ~ Konnani Shiawase De Ii No Ka Na?
This is a rather fun tune. The last part of the song name means something like: Is it okay to be so happy?
This was recorded at Aviral Resort Studio, which is about an hour’s drive from Tokyo. I’ve seen that location a few times in other people’s videos as well.
Mrs. Green Apple
I saw this on the day it came out, I think, (which was the 16th of September,) but I’m in 2 minds about it. But because of the group’s good reputation of doing great songs, I’m going to mention it anyway.
Masayoshi Ōishi
People You Shouldn't Fall In Love With / Suki Ni Na Cha Damena Hito
First up, I don’t like the video for this. It made me feel sick with the swaying around business. Oh, and the woman with the figgin’ mobile ’phone makes me want to puke as well, but the song’s pretty decent. Just minimise your window and listen to it! The ending’s a bit abrupt though, which lets it down. This is something that’s become way too common in a lot of songs. Other than that, the rest of it sounds good.
The Biscats
Noteke! Sunday
Here’s a song I missed from July. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned The Biscats before, or Aono Misaki, but I have watched a bunch of their videos. If you don’t know the group, they do old school rock & roll style songs, like from the late 1950s or early 1960s, I guess. I think this is one of their better ones.
Kyururin Te Shitemite
Idol Live Coaster!
Yep. I like this one. The background animations are pretty nifty, and seem to be projected onto the walls, or something.
Mameshiba No Taigun
Puri Puri / Pri Pri
This is really bizarre, but it’s a catchy song. They seem to sing Puri Puri, but it’s written as Pri Pri at the end. I tried to get it translated, but didn’t have much luck. I don’t know much Japanese.
It’s probably supposed to be like Star Shine for their name, or something, but I usually think of that “µ” meaning “micro”, which makes me wonder how they intended this to be pronounced. Anyway, aside from the analysis of how they wrote that, the song is pretty good and fun sounding. The song name translates to something like Pre-Love Magic. I dunno what the Himichu bit means though.
There’s a bit where they sing about a secret, but in Japanese, the interpretation is more like “secreto,” but it almost comes across a bit like cigaretto. Maybe they’re sneaking in a quick puff while nobody’s looking.
You can pick that this is Sumika from the style of the composition. This is pretty much just a video of lyics with some sheila picking up flowers, that becomes more saturated in colour as it progresses. It would’ve been great to see the chaps performing, but ah well. Apart from that, I’d have liked it to have been a bit longer. It only runs for about 2 minutes & 36 seconds.
Kanoe Rana
Queen Of The Night
This is a rather good song, and the presentation is great as well.
Task Have Fun
This is definitely worth a squizz. That Mini car looks pretty good as well, & there’s some great dancing.
After The Rain
I’m Your Hero
This one’s okay. The blonde haired guy seems to have a really unusually picthed voice that sounds halfway between male & female.
Od Konobe Do Konobe
(From Tavern To Tavern)
The beginning will probably make you think: Struth! But it’s pretty good sounding.
Heimat Entsteht
(Something like: Homeland Emerges.)
This is from back in September. The song’s probably a bit more mellow than some of the usual stuff I’d go for, but it’s not too bad. I just like Belsy’s cute voice. I also heard her in a duet prior to this. She’s based in Germany, but I think she was from India originally.
Tsukiyo Ni Utae
Real Monster
I suppose I’ll add this one to the list. This is from October-ish.
Naopaka Pjesma
(Upside-Down Song, apparently.)
I’m not so sure about this song, but I was intrigued by the way they did the backgrounds — especially the upside-down business. So this is here more for the presentation and video than the music. (This is from back in June.)
Niyan Niyan Niyan
Hee hee! This one looked pretty amusing. This is more to my kind of tastes.
Wow — if she ate all that stuff really, she wouldn’t be that skinny for long. The big green blob in the fridge had me wondering what that was going to be, until she cut it open. I thought it might’ve been some kind of weird jelly, but it looked like egg, rice and stuff. If you know Japanese food, you might be more clued up to it than me.
Buta Thunder / ブタサンダー / Butasandā
(Pig Thunder)
From the translation I did of the lyrics, this is about delicious food and making a pig of yourself. It’s a quirky, but amusing video to watch.
MIMiNARI + Kan Kan
Dō Shiyō Mo Nai
The song name seems to translate to something like: It can’t be helped. This is a pretty catchy one, which will get stuck in your head. The video’s all computer generated drawings, mostly with a 2D look, but there is a bit of 3D stuff in there. I looked up the lyrics and had them translated, but it didn’t make much sense. Maybe it does if you understand Japanese.
They seem to sing it with an extra ゃ / ya on the end, in places, but the title from the official video doesn’t mention this. Maybe it’s just for the lyrics.
Stimmen Der Berge
(Voices Of The Mountains, or something like that.)
Funiculi Funicula
I think we all know this one. I just like their rendition of it, and it’s a pretty cheery thing anyway. In case you didn’t know, the original song was apparently written for the funicular railway on Mount Vesuvius. Although when the volcano later erupted in 1944, it was destroyed.
Stimmen Der Berge
This is an oldie too, but it’s nicely done, and those views of Venice sure look good. I get the feeling the dudes were only in Germany, but paid for the bits of video over in Italy.
V Polnoci Bila
(Something like: At Midnight It Was)
I heard this a few days after it came out, but only decided to add it now. (9th of June, 2024) I guess it took a while to grow on me. The group’s instrument playing is superb, and it picks up to being more cheery towards the end.

Just in case you’re interested, the members of this group are:
• Tomáš Kollár, who plays the violin & sings.
• Štefan Kollár — accordion, saxophone & singing.
• Marek Kollár, — violin & singing.
• Július-Michal Hudi — cimbalom.
• Patrik Červenák — percussion.
• Juraj Švedlár — contrabass & singing.
Miho Okasaki
(Kibono Recipe)
I’m not sure what kibono means, but this is a pretty cheery sounding song.
Phono Tones
This sounds like a tune you could have playing in your car as you head through the desert. Maybe I’m thinking of similar sounds in some movies I saw. I also saw this MV 2 days after it came out, but I only decided to add it here now. (6th of July, 2024.) So if you want something instrumental, this is worth a squizz. That stringed instrument on the stand is a lap guitar, I think.