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The 2024 Music Videos Page


Here are my recommended MVs for 2024.

Check out songs with my star for the best choices!
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My Dream Girls
• This is great! I’ll have to find out who composed it, because it sounds just like something from the Love Live! series. It’s actually from some other TV show.
• The composer is Motokiyo. He was also an arranger for Queen Of The Night by Kanoe Rana, but as for the Love Live! tunes, he did do Second Sparkle by Liella!, although it sounded more like some other song.
• Natsumi Murakami & Chiemi Tanaka are actually related to the Love Live! series. (Natsumi Murakami is from DiverDiva & Chiemi Tanaka is from QU4RTZ.)
Himawari Purinsesu
This is pleasant too. Maybe a bit mild.
White Lyrical Kingdom
The song of this supposedly came out in November, 2023, but the music video only came out today. (16th of January, 2024.) So this feels like a late, Christmas style tune, especially with all the northern hemisphere snow action. But I guess it could be good for when we get snow here too. I’d say this is one of the group’s better tunes.
Kinki Kids
I think I like this one. The singing’s a bit flat in places, like the beginning, but that’s how it’s composed, and over all it’s not too bad.
Momo Asakura
Sweet Essence
This came out on the 1st of February, or close to that. A pretty cheery one again, as you can expect from Momo, but the composition of the song feels a little bit muddled. After a few more watches though, I can get what they were doing. Kind of.
Tube & Gackt
Instead Of Sayonara
(サヨナラのかわりに / Sayonara No Kawari Ni)
(Sayonara is good bye, of course.)
This was totally different from how I imagined. I’m not keen on the break at 2:58, nor in other songs that do this, but you could probably make your own edit & trim that bit out. Other than that, this one sounds rather good, I must say.
Exile B Happy
Morning Sun
I might want to watch this a bit more, so this is a bit tentative being listed here. But I think it’s pretty cheery and the bit at 3:17 where they do one person after the next is really neat.
Is that a real shopping complex in this? Maybe they got in there at night time. Although some of the stores seem to be open. I dunno.
This group must be related to that Exile Tribe dealie, which seems to have a dozen spin off sub-groups. A lot of their other songs aren’t really my thing, but this one seems quite a bit different.
Ayumi Hamasaki
The 1st thing that sprang to mind was NSYNC. Was this going to be like a knock-off of their old Bye Bye Bye song from 24 years ago? Well, it isn’t really like it, but it does feel like it could’ve been from that time. Anyway, I really like it, so I’m definitely going to bung it on here.
This is a great one, and the ending is good too. I always like a proper ending, unlike some songs where it sounds like somebody tripped over the cord to the recording equipment and pulled out the plug.
The Bawdies
Sugar Puff
Ah — there’s a video for this now. Holey moley! It’s a bit quirky and almost irrelevant to say the least, after 1st hearing the song at the start of the month. Mmm — I can’t say I’m too enthusiastic for it, but the song sounds great.
This one came out in February, but it took me a while to like it enough to stick on here. It builds up to sounding better, compared with the beginning, which I think is its weakest point.
Chō Tokimeki Sendenbu
Hapila Blue! / Happy Love Blue!
This came out back in January, & that’s when I heard it, but I was in 2 minds about adding it to the table here. In some ways it almost feels like it’s bordering on being a kids’ song, but it is pretty cheery and colourful looking. Plus compared with some of the other cr*p songs they’ve done in the past, this is probably 1 of their best. Koizumi Haruka & An Julia stand out to me as the most attractive looking. I like all their vibrant outfits as well.
Daburuxi Kōshiki
Natsu Doki! / Summer Excitement!
This one came out in April, and it’s mostly good. I think the ending could’ve been more well thought out though. It feels like a bit of a dud climax that happened too early, and then it just fizzled a bit. Not tragically, but I think it should’ve left you feeling more of a great boost, where you went: “Oh yeah!” Rather, than: “Oh. I guess that was good.”
Mei Chan
Akane Kumada
Happī No Hiketsu / The Secret Of Happiness
I heard this on the 8th of June, but there’s this MV too, which actually came out on the 3rd! I guess it depends on who’s showing what previews. It’s a pretty good song. The video’s kind of strange though, but it’s got a good frame rate, thank goodness. It’s related to some show I haven’t got a clue about.
Oh, Ti Marjan
This is fairly good, I reckon. I’m always a bit of a sucker for the accordions too.
Hajimari No Parade
(はじまりの Parade)
This one took a bit of time to grow on me, but I like it now. I think I skipped it the 1st time I saw it, and then it showed up in another preview video, and this time I decided to go with it. It’s got a great ending too, so that’s always a plus in my book.
Momoiro Clover Z
Renacer Serenade
All right! There’s a video for this now. I heard the audio on its own and liked that, and thought: “Ah. What a pity there’s no music video for it.” But now there is! It has some really tricky camera work, which must’ve had a lot of cunning editing, plus added computer generated effects. At least they put some effort into the presentation, instead of some of these videos that look like they were recorded by some toddler.
Ľúb Že, Dievča
(Love that, girl)
I liked this one pretty much as soon as I heard it. One of the group’s more cheery tunes, I reckon. The joint in the background with the horses is Pension Zwicker.
Tomáš Kollár looks like James Packer at the start. I don’t think he’d be packing up and moving to Slovakia somehow.
Azusa Tadokoro
This is really great. I saw this at the start of July, but it came out on about the 21st of June. If you just want the audio, click here. I would say this is my song of the year.
Sexy Zone
This was from back in February, but I only decided to add it now. (18 July 2024.) It’s not too intense, and it’s just nicely pleasant. Plus there’s a good looking sandwich that comes together @ the end. Maybe that’s the puzzle — assembling all their initial ingredients into something delicious.
Natural Lag
Yotsuba No Kurōbā
(4 Leaf Clover, I think.)
I heard the song on its own to begin with, and then discovered it has a MV now as well.
Aya Uchida
Usagi No Putifūru
(Rabbits Petit 4)
Oooo~oooh! This is so cu-u-u-u-ute looking! Especially that pair of bunnies floating through the sky. I thought they might land on the Earth, but they just kept floating. The song’s kind of wistful sounding, but pleasant.
Sakurako Ohara
This is a pretty good one. It’s obviously to celebrate some anniversary of hers. 11 years maybe, since it says 2013 at the end.
Momo Asakura
A So Bichū
Here’s a new one from the 9th of August. It’s just a nice, gentle kind of one, with Momo’s lovely, cute voice. Hee hee. She sounds so sweet.
Arcana Project
This one’s from early July, but I only decided to add it now. (9th of September, 2024.) It’s fairly good, I reckon.
Akari Kitō
Kiyanbasu / キャンバス
Despite the rather abrupt ending, you can still feel it coming, and the main part of the song is really good.
Motohiro Hata & Sumika
This one’s from a week ago, on the 4th of September. It sounded really great the 1st time, and the ending was brilliant! So I’ll probably like this even more later on. One of the Sumika dudes seems to be absent though. Did he leave the group, or what?
Hong Ja
This song’s pretty good, and the frame rate’s great as well.
3 Sekunde
This video’s fatter than an elephant’s @r$€, but the song is really catchy and well done. Buryana was also “Miss Earth” for Slovenia in 2018. I saw this MV at the end of August, but I only added it now. (9th of October, 2024.)
Mikazu Tabata
Taimu Mashin Wa Iranai

(You Don’t Need A Time Machine)

This is a happy sounding tune. The only thing I would nit pick at though, are the annoying “transition” effects in the video, but the rest is nigh on perfect.
Mrs. Green Apple
I wasn’t aware that this had got a MV until the 14th of October. I’d heard just the audio back in August, and assumed that was all they were doing. Anyway, it’s a great song, and the video is well done also, so do check this out!
All right! There’s a MV for this now, which just came out today. (20th of October.) I heard the audio on its own and liked it, and hoped a video would come along too, and it did! Yeah!
HoneyWorks + Hiyori Suzumi
Hiroin To Aidoru
(Heroine To Idol)
Hee hee — I guess I’ll add this one. It’s pretty fast and perky sounding. It’s shorter than Heroine Waheikinika from last year, and doesn’t end quite as well, but it’s still quite catchy and cheery. There are some cutely drawn parts to it too. This was from the 19th of July.
Kanoe Rana
(Reversible Baby)
All righty — this video’s now been out for ½ an hour. (It came out on the 23rd of October 2024 at 22:00-ish here. It was for 21:00 in Japan.) I heard the song on the 9th (of October), and a bit later read that there was a MV coming. So yeah! Here it is. It’s a bit weird. I think it might be to do with some TV show as well. But I do say: Check it out!
(The Empty)
Takane No Nadeshiko
(HoneyWorks related.)
I’m Your Idol
This came out on the 27th of November, and the song is surprisingly great. The video has superb presentation, the outfits look brilliant, and it has a cheery vibe. The only slight issue I have personally, are those annoying colourful glowy effects that I’ve seen in so many MVs that it drives me bonkers. It’s like everybody just uses the same ol’ post production software or something. Anyway, apart from that, the rest is pretty close to perfect, so I will recommend this tune.
Seven Oops
(Cheer / Applause)
This one came out 3 days ago. (14th of December.) I liked it pretty much the 1st time I heard it. They’ve got those Orange guitar amplifiers too. They seem to be quite popular.
Ōishi Masayoshi
(Gambling Hall)
I don’t usually like this guy’s songs, but he seemed to get it pretty good on this one.
The sheila was just too good for everyone, and she even got his glasses. What a place to stick them as well. Oh yeah — this was from October.
Modlím Sa Piesnou
This one came out right smack bang on Christmas Day. It’s not the usual super cheery thing I go for, but it’s certainly good, especially after a few listens.
Tebasaki Sensēshon


(Chicken Wing Sensation. Is that right?!)
Restart Over
This is from back @ the end of April, which is when I saw it as well, but I just didn’t add it to the list here. I’d say it’s worth mentioning.