Contacting Me Terms & Conditions

Here’s the mumbo jumbo you need to know before you decide to contact me by e-mail or by ICQ.

• If you’re going to send me mail, please include a recognisable description for the subject, or it might get marked as junk, although Beagle is usually pretty good at keeping spam back. Try to use decent English (I hate bad spelling ) and please keep your e-mail below about 1 MB also, especially for your 1st contact.
• I no longer use ICQ. (I don’t even have it installed now.)
• Also, don’t ask me to change to any other chat programs such as MSN Messenger, ’cos I don’t install stuff to suit everybody else. So if anyone asks me again, I’m going to ignore you. I don’t want to hear about fizzing Facebook or tossin’ Twitter either (especially with that ¢µ#+ involved in its ownership). I have no accounts with any web site based “communication” services.
• Feel free to ask me about cheats or tips for any of the games I have listed (including arcade games). Don’t bother asking about stuff that I don’t own. If you’re looking for Sega related merchandise to buy on the Internet, then that’s okay. Although these days it’s getting trickier. I don’t mind requests about arcade games either. So if you’re looking to buy something, I may know of somewhere to get it.
• Don’t even think of asking about pirated software, such as cartridge “ROMs,” CD images etc, even if you only use emulation as a means to judge whether or not you should buy a game.
• If you’re going to get up me about dead links or off site links that should’ve opened in a new window, please be polite about it.
• Lastly, don’t even think about asking what my phone # is, or address either.
• If you have to send any computer screen shots, you must disable ClearType or any other font weird-ifying & colour-ising features, or I’ll just dump your message, since it gives me eye strain. Your monitor may suck, but mine doesn’t.
• If you do want to mention something that I might be interested in buying, you should address me directly, and explain how it relates to something I’ve written on my site, or else I may regard it as spam. And I send all junk mail to the government’s database thing.
• Please also be aware that Beagle (— my ISP —) has spam filtering, so if your message isn’t replied to, it may’ve been misinterpreted as junk, and I don’t check that so often.

And if you can abide by all that, you should be sweet. Oh, yeah, and being nice always helps too. Epsecially if I’m feeling grumpy.

• To cut back on the amount of junk e-mail I get, you will need to remove the extra plus characters included in the addresses to prove you’re human. Just take them out before sending anything.

To send me e-mail to my new IIG related account.
To send e-mail to my Lavabit account. (Now back again.)

Note that I will report any spam to the ACMA without hesitation.