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Welcome to the web page of John Kahler! That’s me, pretty much. Most of the site is dedicated to my reviews of games, but you will find other stuff too, like places to find some great free software, all of which I’ve tried out myself. Plus some odds and sods on my collection of fountain pens. Another interest that burns holes in my pockets.
In terms of games, I’ve got reviews on my fave console, the Dreamcast, plus Saturn, GameCube, XBOX, XBOX 360, PC, Neo Geo Pocket, and links to some other excellent gaming related sites.
Here you can browse with ease! My site has no ads, no chunky scripts, none of those eye-bleedingly thin fonts, not too many dead links (apart from all the stuff I once had hosted on dodgy hosting sites), and no missing piccies! There are no cookies, biscuits, crackers, pikelets, Neenish tarts, or any other sneaky things behind the scenes. It does require JavaScript for the menu buttons though. You also don’t need copious amounts of extra plugins like Cosmo Player, Macromedia Flash, Apple Quick Time or anything else. Just a decent browser really. Although there are optional downloadable PDF files and videos. There are no fonts to download in the background either. You can also view various piccies I’ve done in the “Piccies” page, and links to other cool sites with great artwork.
And mostly everything’s in metric also for us Aussies.
Plus all off site links always open in a new window (or tab), so you don’t lose my page.
Check out the “Information Request List,” below, which basically lists things I need help finding information on. If anyone has info regarding what’s listed, I’d be pleased to hear about it. Plus if you have a web site related to any of the topics, I’ll most probably include it on my “Links”/ “Cool Stuff” page, if you wish.
For a while now there’s been additional text & images that appear on your VMS / VMU, if you’re using a Dreamcast to view this site. Be sure to check the Dreamcast page for a vibrator bonus. (May not be compatible with all browser versions. Works good with the browser in Sonic Adventure 2!)
So, yeah, this is my new address too, and no longer hosted by Beagle Internet. If you still have links in your bookmarks, or your own web site, to my old address, or even the one at TelPacific, (which was back in 2007,) then you’ll need to update to this new address. As of January 2014, the joint’s been having a bit of an overhaul as well. But, you’ll still find all the usual stuff here. No donations are required either.
Check out my Morrowind related site too! (Click on the bullet / spotty thing to the left.)

Is my site the best looking on the Web? Let me know if you’ve seen more elaborately designed sites! I want to have a look, and a bit more inspiration is always a plus for improvements. Use the link to the Contacting Me Terms & Conditions page below. (No porno sites or any involved in immoral activiites, please!)

Support a new Australian flag and the removal of our outdated British “relationship” upon it. (And our money.) Click on the flag to read more on my views, especially if you are British, because this is not about any disrespect or anger towards you.

Information Request List:
If anybody has that old nVidia large texture demo program for Windows ’95 (& up, I think,) with the penthouse, the lion fountain thing and the little bug dealie, please let me know. This is pre-GeForce video cards, as far as I know. Like from the TNT range. I haven’t seen it for probably 24 odd years or more, and I don’t know what it’s called.
If you have old demo CDs from magazines that might have it, please let me know.
There was a music video I saw in 1998 with these guys fighting in a ring, but they were holding up signs with messages on them that hurt them instead. In the end, one of the guys holds up this one that says LOSER! & the other guy hits the dust. If anyone knows what it was, please let me know! It was on Rage, I think, but it might have come out before 1998.

Send your e-mail after you’ve read my conditions. See the link below.

( Contacting me? You should read my conditions page. Don’t say I didn’t warn you! )

Last updated: Tuesday, 22nd of October, 2024
at 13:58.
(The time is always Australian EST.)

Recent updates:
• The News Page — mostly me rambling on about what’s been happening & having a good rant at times. Plus I sometimes do a bit of reminiscing.
The 2024 Music Videos Page — I added Karafuru (Colourful) by Shishamo. There’s now a MV for it. Plus I also added Hiroin To Aidoru by HoneyWorks.
The Plasma Lamps Page — I added more external video links, including a couple of balls from Aurora Plasma Design.
The Software Review Of The Moment — Back to XMPlay, Cog & MacAmp Lite X. I meant to do this on the 9th, but I forgot.
• The RollerCoaster Tycoon review — I added more rides to the RAR file that you can get, of my designs.
• The Music Page — I added Karafuru (Colourful) by Shishamo.
• The Downloads Page — Grab yourself Plasma Thing 2 for Windows.
The Oblivion Page — I’ve provided a patch / fix for Umbacano’s Ayleid statue display cabinet, which changes how the door collision functions, so that you can now put stuff on the shelves, since some of my plug-ins also use this mesh.
• The Gadgets Page — I added a link to a new page at the Radio Museum web site in relation to my Sport De Paco Rabanne radio.
The Computer Cock-Up Page — I just added a minor stuff up with VLC.
The Electronic Circuits Page — I updated some stuff about the electret microphone amplification circuit, and a non-amplified version.
The 2019 Music Videos Page — I added links to a dance version of Fantasy by Pink Fantasy and the audio on its own.
• The Computer Page — I added some tips for duplicating your own, personal DVDs. If you’ve ever made any.
The Screen Shots Of The Moment Page — 8 new pictures, including 4 that aren’t from Oblivion for a change.
For The News Page.

For anyone who wishes to include a link on their site to mine, please feel free to use any of these images:
(You can link directly to them or copy them. Please make your link to my index.html file, unless you’re referring to something specific.)

Stuff About Viewing This Site:
Best viewed with ya resolution set to 1024 × 768 pixels or probably a lot higher really. 1600 × 1200 pixels is good if you can manage it.
Even with my site redesign, you should still be able to use old Netscape 7. It’s also been tested in Firefox 2, Opera 12, MineField 4.2, Camino 2.1, OmniWeb 5.1, Aurora(Fox), Pale Moon 20 and Firefox 130. Although Pale Moon has a bug displaying the longer table backgrounds. (It seems to be fixed in version 27.) Some browsers may not display the images with alpha channels correctly or display table backgrounds at all (like Internet Explorer 5.5 & 6). (Firefox, Pale Moon and Safari may give you error messages about missing plugins which relates to the Dreamcast only stuff so just ignore it.) There are no plans for optimal Dreamcast support.